What We Do · Training
“Lecture,” goes the old saw, “is the art of transferring as much information as possible from the teacher’s notes to the students’ notes without going through the mind of either.”
That might be true in the academic world, but in business, it constitutes a cardinal sin—the wasting of time. Notes don’t do the work; employees do. And the whole point of business training is to impart or enhance a usable skill, not to just create a set of notes on how to learn it.
While some skills can be picked up through blogs and pre-recorded videos, others are better served live (and lively), even online. Throw in one-on-one time between each participant and the instructor, and you have a recipe for successful learning.
The recipe is no secret, but it’s only half the story.
The other half is who is doing the cooking.

Training · Business Writing
Business Writing
Molière once wrote: “Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money.” If he had worked in the modern business world, he might have added: “You also do it because business will halt if you don’t.”
Written communication is the neural transmission of business—racing across the globe at the speed of light and making things happen. And good writing is a critical step on the long road to success.
Fortunately, effective business writing can be taught. We know that because we teach it—and have been doing so for nearly two decades, for a diverse range of clients, including international accounting firms, whose course participants qualify for CPE credits.
And now, in our staying-safe-by-working-remotely world, we teach online, as live and lively as ever.
Wondering how to find out more?
Simple. Click here.
Training · Presentation
As anyone who has ever given a presentation knows, presenting involves a lot more than standing up and speaking. A great presentation is carefully thought out and executed—from its contents to its organization to the design of its visual elements.
And when you add in refinements—the thematic coordination of handouts and takeaways, attention to the meeting environment, the effective use of language, and the knowledge of how to project confident assurance—you have all the makings of a presentation that shines.
At Write Now, we understand the principles of effective presentation. More important, we know that those principles are teachable… and how to teach them. We have worked with clients at all skill levels, and we have seen first-hand that one doesn’t have to possess special talents to give a great presentation.
One simply needs good training.
Training · Technical Writing
Technical Writing
Among the world’s great mysteries, three in particular stand out:
- What is “dark energy” and why is it speeding up expansion of the universe?
- Who really built the Great Sphinx of Giza?
- Why are technical folk, as a general rule, such poor writers?
The first two are puzzling, yes, but the third is an absolute head-scratcher. After all, good communication is mostly about structure, and structure should appeal to someone with a technical background—as should the idea of applying fundamental principles to a given task. Add to that the fact they’re typically smart and like to learn, and you have yourself a genuine conundrum.
So is there a secret to improving their writing skills? And does anyone know it?
There is and we do.